Unmatched antioxidant power

Fullerene C60 is a unique allotropic type of carbon, rejuvenating and regenerating the skin, distinguished by its stability and effectiveness. Its antioxidant properties are an unmatched anti-aging agent 250 times more effective than vitamin C - fighting free radicals (ROS).

It owes such high efficiency to its large, stable structure and a large number of double connections between carbon atoms. The C60 has a truncated icosahedron structure that resembles a soccer ball. This structure allows it to easily form bonds with reactive oxygen species and other atoms of free radicals, thus stabilizing them. It has more electrons than any other molecule and therefore its antioxidant activity is high compared to other antioxidants.

Fullerene has a strong ability to stimulate the production of collagen in the skin, thanks to which it improves the contour of the face (the skin regains its firmness and density) and supports the regeneration of skin weakened by stress or fatigue. Additionally, the structure of fullerene is extremely stable and practically does not degrade (without losing its properties) even under high temperature conditions (above 100ºC). Fullerene perfectly protects against the negative effects of UV radiation and against polluted air - factors strongly contributing to the skin aging process.

The C60 molecule was recognized in 1991 by the prestigious Science magazine as the "Molecule of the Year", and five years later the discoverers of fullerenes were awarded the Nobel Prize "in the field of chemistry."

Action of fullerene:

has a strong antioxidant effect

absorbs free radicals like a radical sponge

has the ability to stimulate the production of collagen in the skin

maintains the tone and density of the skin

reduces the visibility of pores

prevents discoloration

protects against the harmful effects of UV radiation on the skin

supports skin regeneration

strengthens the skin's protective barrier

has a strong antioxidant effect

pochłania wolne rodniki jak gąbka „radical sponge” (wymiatacz  wolnych rodników)

has the ability to stimulate the production of collagen in the skin

maintains the tone and density of the skin

reduces the visibility of pores

prevents discoloration

protects against the harmful effects of UV radiation on the skin

supports skin regeneration

strengthens the skin's protective barrier

has a strong antioxidant effect

absorbs free radicals like a "radical" sponge

(free radical scavenger)

has the ability to stimulate the production

 of collagen in the skin

maintains the tone and density of the skin

reduces the visibility of pores

prevents discoloration

protects against the harmful effects

of UV radiation on the skin

supports skin regeneration

strengthens the skin's protective barrier

* LF: LipoFullerene; VitaminC60 BioResearch Corporation, all right reserved.


Comparison of the antioxidant activity of vitamin C, SOD (superoxide dismutase) and fullerene, measured by the oxidation-reduction reaction.

Fullerene has a strong antioxidant effect compared to vitamin C and SOD (superoxide dismutase).

250 times * more effective than the antioxidant activity of vitamin C.

* when the antioxidant capacity of vitamin C (100 μg mol / l) is 1